Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Prompts.


In the context of Large Language Models (LLMs), open-ended and closed-ended prompts serve different purposes. Open-ended prompts invite expansive and creative responses, allowing for a broad exploration of ideas. For example, “Discuss the impact of technology on society.” These prompts encourage in-depth analysis and diverse perspectives. Closed-ended prompts, in contrast, seek specific and concise answers. For instance, “What is the square root of 144?” These prompts require direct and factual responses. Open-ended prompts encourage critical thinking, while closed-ended prompts focus on providing specific information. By understanding the distinction, users can effectively tailor their prompts to elicit either broad discussions or precise answers from the LLM. Selecting the appropriate prompt type allows for greater control over the nature and depth of the generated responses, enabling more effective interactions with the LLM.

An open-ended prompt that asks for general insights.

Prompt: Can you suggest some good movies released prior to September 2021
In this open-ended prompt, one is seeking movie recommendations without specifying any particular criteria or restrictions. The response could include a diverse range of movie suggestions across various genres, eras, and languages.

A closed-ended prompt asks / limits the answer to a specific genre.

Prompt: Can you suggest 5 good comedy movies released prior to September 2021
In this closed-ended prompt, the model is limited to choosing the provided option: Comedy. The response would focus on providing movie recommendations within the selected genre.

*Note: defining the date here is due to the training cut-off for GPT3.5. In an open model connected to the outside world one could specify a year or range of years.

Prompt: Can you suggest 5 good comedy movies released between 2019 and 2020

AI Answer

Certainly! Here are five comedy movies released prior to September 2021 that received positive reviews:

“Booksmart” (2019) – Directed by Olivia Wilde, this coming-of-age comedy follows two high school overachievers who set out on a wild night of adventure before graduation.
“Game Night” (2018) – Starring Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams, this hilarious film revolves around a group of friends whose regular game night takes an unexpectedly dangerous and comedic turn.
“The Big Sick” (2017) – Based on a true story, this romantic comedy stars Kumail Nanjiani and Zoe Kazan. It tells the story of a Pakistani-American comedian who must navigate cultural clashes when his girlfriend falls ill.
“Tag” (2018) – Inspired by a true story, this comedy features an all-star cast including Jeremy Renner, Ed Helms, Jon Hamm, and more. A group of friends embarks on an elaborate game of tag that spans over decades.
“Palm Springs” (2020) – Starring Andy Samberg and Cristin Milioti, this clever time-loop comedy takes a fresh twist on the concept as two wedding guests find themselves trapped in a never-ending day.

These movies offer a mix of humor, wit, and heart, and have been well-received by audiences and critics alike. Enjoy the laughter!

Closed-Ended Prompts:

  • Prompt 1: “Provide a concise explanation of the Turing test and its significance in the field of artificial intelligence. How does it assess a machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent behavior?”
  • Prompt 2: “Name three programming languages commonly used for web development and briefly describe their primary advantages and use cases.”
  • Prompt 3:”List the four fundamental forces of nature and provide a brief description of each force and its role in the universe.”
  • Prompt 4: “Identify five key components of a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) and explain the function of each component in processing and executing instructions.”
  • Prompt 5:”Name three influential scientists or researchers who made significant contributions to the field of quantum mechanics and briefly describe one of their notable discoveries.”

Prompt 3:”List the four fundamental forces of nature and provide a brief description of each force and its role in the universe.”

AI Answer

The four fundamental forces of nature and their roles in the universe are:

  1. Gravity: Gravity is the force that governs the attraction between objects with mass. It is responsible for holding planets in their orbits around the Sun and plays a vital role in the formation of galaxies. Gravity is the weakest of the fundamental forces but has an infinite range.
  2. Electromagnetic Force: The electromagnetic force encompasses both electric and magnetic interactions. It governs the behavior of charged particles, such as electrons and protons. This force is responsible for the interactions between atoms and molecules, as well as the transmission of light and other electromagnetic waves.
  3. Strong Nuclear Force: The strong nuclear force binds protons and neutrons together in an atomic nucleus. It is immensely powerful but acts only at extremely short distances within the nucleus. This force is crucial for the stability of atomic nuclei and plays a role in processes like nuclear fusion that power stars.
  4. Weak Nuclear Force: The weak nuclear force is responsible for certain types of radioactive decay. It allows particles, such as neutrons, to transform into other particles, releasing or absorbing energy in the process. The weak force plays a crucial role in shaping the early universe and is involved in processes like nuclear beta decay.

These four forces collectively govern the behavior of matter and energy in the universe, shaping everything from the smallest particles to the largest celestial bodies.

Prompt: with regard to “Strong Nuclear Force” please provide 200 words suitable for an ELI5 perspective.

AI Answer

Certainly! Here’s an explanation of the strong nuclear force suitable for an ELI5 (Explain Like I’m 5) perspective:

The strong nuclear force is like a super glue that holds the tiny building blocks of atoms, called protons and neutrons, together inside the nucleus. You can think of the nucleus as the center or core of an atom. Just like how you stick LEGO bricks together to build something cool, the strong nuclear force sticks the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus.

Now, protons and neutrons are very different from LEGO bricks. They’re not solid pieces, but more like tiny particles that are always moving and vibrating. The strong nuclear force is super strong, even stronger than any other force we know. It’s so strong that it can overcome the repulsion between the positively charged protons in the nucleus and keeps them from flying apart.

But there’s a catch! The strong nuclear force only works at really tiny distances, like the size of the nucleus itself. If you try to pull the protons and neutrons too far apart, they start to feel this force weakening, and eventually, they break free. That’s why the strong nuclear force is sometimes called a short-range force.

The strong nuclear force is essential because without it, atoms wouldn’t exist! Everything around us, from the air we breathe to the ground we walk on, is made up of atoms. So, we can say that the strong nuclear force is like the super glue that holds everything together at the tiniest level. It’s a fundamental force of nature that helps create the amazing world we live in!

Prompt: “In the context of four fundamental forces of nature what is occurring at the La Grange Point.”?

AI Answer

In the context of the four fundamental forces of nature, LaGrange points (also known as Lagrangian points) are specific positions in space where the gravitational forces of two large objects, such as a planet and a satellite, balance the centrifugal force felt by a smaller object. These points are named after the mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange, who first discovered them.

At the Lagrange points, the gravitational pull from two massive bodies (typically a planet and its moon, or a planet and the Sun) creates a stable or semi-stable region where a smaller object can remain in a fixed position relative to the larger bodies. This occurs because the gravitational forces from the two large bodies cancel out or balance each other.

There are five Lagrange points labeled L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5. L1, L2, and L3 lie along the line connecting the two larger bodies, while L4 and L5 form equilateral triangles with the larger bodies. These points have been used for various purposes in space exploration, such as placing telescopes or satellites in a stable position to observe the Earth, the Sun, or other celestial objects.

It’s important to note that the concept of Lagrange points pertains primarily to the gravitational force and its effects. The other fundamental forces, such as the electromagnetic force, strong nuclear force, and weak nuclear force, are not directly involved in the dynamics of Lagrange points.

It is interesting to note that this last statement is not essentially correct. Whilst somewhat off-topic a follow-up was deemed necessary.

Follow-up Prompt: this seems to be at odds / conflict with “Gravity is the force that governs the attraction between objects with mass.” surely it is the equalisation between the bodies that is the causal effect for La Grange?

AI Answer

You are correct, and I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous response. At Lagrange points, it is indeed the gravitational forces between the objects that result in a balance or equilibrium, allowing smaller objects to maintain relatively stable positions.


The difficulty in dealing with the AI is that any lack of precision seems to ‘distract’ the AI. The possible distraction here was requesting an ELI5 (Explain Like I’m 5). At the next stage the Prompt and AI Answer relating to ‘La Grange Points’ could be said to have been simplified by the AI. Perhaps like ‘inherited permissions’ in a network or a computer hierarchical tree the AI is making the assumption to continue on the same basis.