Explicit And Implicit Prompts.


In the context of Large Language Models (LLMs), explicit and implicit prompts serve distinct purposes in more complex interactions. Explicit prompts clearly state the desired information or action, leaving no room for ambiguity. For instance, “Provide a step-by-step guide to install software XYZ.” Implicit prompts, on the other hand, require the AI to infer the desired response or pursue a specific action. For example, “How can we improve customer satisfaction?” Implicit prompts encourage the AI to share ideas or propose solutions without explicitly stating the expected response format. By understanding the difference, users can choose the most appropriate prompt type to elicit specific or creative responses from the AI.

Explicit prompts are direct and specific instructions given to the language model. These prompts typically involve a specific task or goal, and the language model is expected to generate text that directly addresses this task or goal.

Explicit prompt: “Write a product description for a sky blue suit, 100 words.”

This type of prompt is clear and unambiguous, and the language model knows exactly what is expected of it.

AI Answer

Introducing our stunning sky blue suit, a symbol of refined elegance and contemporary style. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, this suit boasts a vibrant and refreshing sky blue color that sets it apart from the ordinary. Made from high-quality fabric, it offers exceptional comfort and a tailored fit that accentuates your silhouette. Whether worn at formal gatherings, weddings, or special occasions, this suit exudes confidence and sophistication. With its versatile nature, you can effortlessly create both classic and modern looks. Embrace the allure of our sky blue suit and make a striking fashion statement that leaves a lasting impression.

Implicit prompts, on the other hand, are less specific and may be more open-ended. These prompts rely on the language model’s ability to interpret the context and generate text that is relevant and appropriate. Implicit prompts may involve generating text based on a broader topic or theme.

Implicit prompt: “Write a story about a blue suit”

This type of prompt requires the language model to use its understanding of language and context to generate text that is relevant and coherent. Implicit prompts allow for greater creativity and exploration.

AI Answer

In a bustling city, there was a blue suit that hung patiently in a tailor’s shop. It longed for adventure, yearning to break free from the mundane. One day, a young man named Ethan entered the shop, drawn to the suit’s vibrant hue. He tried it on, and a magical transformation occurred. The suit imbued him with confidence and charm, guiding him through important meetings, social events, and romantic encounters. Ethan’s life transformed, and the blue suit became his companion on a journey of success and self-discovery. Together, they embraced the world, leaving a trail of inspiration and admiration wherever they went.

Both explicit and implicit prompts have their advantages and disadvantages. Explicit prompts are clear and unambiguous, and they can be useful for generating text that directly addresses a specific task or goal. However, they may be limiting in terms of creativity and may not allow the language model to explore alternative solutions or ideas.

In ChatGPT one can vary the temperature in a text generated by the model using the following syntax: Temperature [value]. Where [value] can be a number between 0 and 1. Higher values, such as 0.8 or 1, make the output more random and creative, while lower values, such as 0.2 or 0.5, make it more focused and deterministic. The default temperature is typically set to 0.5.

Prompt: Can you please tell me a story about a blue suit? Temperature 0.8

FYI: this syntax will not produce the desired result. As a perfect example of “Results may not be what you wanted but are generally what you asked for.!” The model has interpreted the temperature syntax from a weather perspective.

AI: In the heart of a frigid winter, a blue suit patiently hung in a quaint vintage store. Unnoticed and overlooked by many, it yearned for warmth and adventure. One day, a traveler named Lily stepped inside, seeking respite from the biting cold. Her eyes locked onto the blue suit, sensing a connection. As she donned it, an enchanting change occurred—the suit emitted a gentle, comforting warmth. Empowered, Lily ventured outside, spreading joy wherever she went. The suit’s touch brought smiles to faces, melting the icy grip of winter. Together, they shared warmth, radiating a spirit of kindness amidst the frozen world.

Prompt: Can you please tell me a story about a blue suit? Temperature=0.8

AI Answer

In a vibrant city where art and creativity flourished, there was a blue suit that possessed a hint of whimsy. It hung playfully in a boutique, waiting for an adventurous spirit to embrace its charm. One day, a free-spirited dancer named Alex stumbled upon the suit and felt an immediate connection. As Alex donned the suit, a surge of energy coursed through their veins. Suddenly, the world became their stage. With each graceful movement, the suit shimmered, transforming into a burst of colorful ribbons, swirling and twirling in sync with Alex’s dance. Together, they mesmerized audiences, inspiring joy and laughter wherever they performed. The blue suit became a symbol of artistic expression and freedom, a testament to the power of following one’s passion. And as the curtain fell, Alex and the suit shared a knowing smile, grateful for the magical connection they had discovered.

Prompt: Can you please tell me a story about a blue suit? Temperature=0.2

AI Answer

In the bustling city of Cascade, a charming blue suit resided in a quaint vintage store. The suit patiently awaited its moment to bring confidence and style to someone’s life. One day, a shy artist named Maya discovered the suit and felt an inexplicable connection. As she slipped into its tailored embrace, a sense of poise and self-assuredness enveloped her. With brush and canvas in hand, Maya unveiled a world of vibrant colors and captivating stories. The blue suit became her creative companion, empowering her to share her artistic vision with the world. Inspired by its elegance, Maya painted a masterpiece that captured the hearts of many. Together, they wove a tale of artistic expression and self-discovery, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of life.

Varying the “Temperature” parameter in AI models controls the level of randomness and creativity in the generated text. A lower temperature value, such as 0.2, produces more focused and deterministic responses, while a higher temperature value, like 0.8, allows for more randomness and variation in the generated text.

For example, with Temperature=0.2, the story would likely follow a more predictable and coherent narrative structure. The plot, characters, and events would align more closely with conventional storytelling conventions and be relatively consistent and logical.

On the other hand, with Temperature=0.8, the story may take more unexpected twists and turns. The generated text could exhibit a greater degree of creativity, incorporating unconventional or surprising elements. This higher level of randomness may lead to imaginative plot developments, unexpected character traits, or unique story arcs.

For those that may be sceptical regarding the originality of the AI output run this search https://www.google.com/search?q=%22there+was+a+blue+suit+that+possessed+a+hint+of+whimsy%22

You will note that the phrase is not found. (unless it leads back to here!)