Irony, Idioms and Sarcasm.


In the context of Large Language Models (LLMs), understanding irony, idioms, and sarcasm allows users to craft more complex prompts related to changing a tire. Irony can be used to create humorous or unexpected situations, like “Explain how changing a tire can be a piece of cake.” Idioms add colorful expressions, such as “Can you shed some light on the ins and outs of changing a tire in the dark?” Sarcasm, with a mocking tone, might prompt, “Oh, changing a tire is just a walk in the park, isn’t it?” By incorporating these linguistic devices, users can engage the LLM with more creative and nuanced prompts, exploring unconventional or playful angles related to the subject of changing a tire. These prompts encourage the LLM to provide responses that reflect the intended humor, idiomatic expressions, or sarcastic undertones, making the interaction more engaging and enjoyable.

Irony, idioms, and sarcasm are all forms of language that can be difficult for language models to understand and generate accurately. Other aspects of language that can be challenging for language models include dialects, regionalisms, and jargon.


Irony involves using language to convey a meaning that is opposite to or different from its literal interpretation. Idioms are expressions that have a figurative meaning that is different from their literal meaning. Sarcasm is a form of language that involves saying the opposite of what is actually meant, often in a tone that indicates the speaker’s intent.

The use of irony, idioms, and sarcasm can be more appropriate in the following situations:

Humor and entertainment: Irony, idioms, and sarcasm are commonly used in comedic writing, satire, and humorous content. Prompts that aim to entertain, amuse, or lighten the mood can incorporate these elements to engage the audience and create a lighthearted tone.

Prompt example: “please create a 100 word funny dialogue between two characters in the line at a coffee shop, incorporating idioms and sarcasm to add humour to their conversation.”

AI Answer

Certainly, a 100 word funny dialogue between two characters in the line at a coffee shop.

Customer 1: Hey there! Mind if I join the “slow as molasses” club in this line? Seems like we’re all in for a never-ending wait.

Customer 2: Oh, sure thing! Welcome to the “caffeine-deprived patience test.” I swear, time here moves like a snail on vacation. Guess they’re brewing up coffee on Mount Everest or something.

Customer 1: Ha! You nailed it! But hey, no rush, we’ve got all day to “watch paint dry” together. Maybe they’re hand-picking the beans one by one, just to give us a taste of their “artistic expertise.”

Customer 2: Absolutely! I can almost picture the barista as a master painter, delicately balancing the “fine art of slowness” with every cup. It’s a true masterpiece of inefficiency!

Customer 1: Well, if they keep this up, we might need a “coffee IV drip” just to survive the wait. We’re about to reach enlightenment from sheer caffeine deprivation.

Customer 2: Ha! I can already see the headline: “Local Coffee Shop Turns Patience into a Zen Experience.” At this rate, we’ll be levitating before we even get our orders!

Customer 1: Ah, the wonders of modern coffee culture! I’m beginning to appreciate the phrase “good things come to those who wait” a little too much. Let’s hope this wait is worth it!

Customer 2: Absolutely! We’ll be sipping on cups of “legendary patience” soon enough. Until then, let’s embrace the absurdity and keep practicing our “zen-like tolerance” in this line from hell!

Creative writing and storytelling:

These devices can enhance the richness and depth of characters, dialogue, and narrative in creative writing. They can be used to express characters’ attitudes, provide subtext, or create an ironic twist in the plot.

Prompt: “Write a 75 word short story with an unexpected twist, using irony to reveal the true nature of the protagonist.”

AI Answer

Once upon a time, in a sleepy town, lived a man named Walter. Known for his philanthropy, he was adored by all. His kind acts touched hearts, making him a local hero. However, behind closed doors, Walter reveled in mischief. He played practical jokes, relishing the chaos he created. One day, as the town unveiled a statue in his honor, Walter chuckled, knowing his secret remained hidden. The irony was lost on everyone as they celebrated a man who thrived on the very mischief they never suspected.

Expressing critique or social commentary: Irony and sarcasm can be effective tools for expressing criticism, social commentary, or highlighting contradictions in a thought-provoking manner. They can be used to challenge ideas, question norms, or bring attention to hypocrisy.

Prompt example: “Write an opinion piece using irony and sarcasm to critique a {societal issue} or challenge prevailing beliefs.”

Swap out {societal issue} for an issue of your choice

Prompt: Write a 75 word opinion piece using irony and sarcasm to critique a ‘opposition to AI’ challenging prevailing beliefs that ‘the end is nigh’.

AI Answer

Oh, the horror! The mere mention of AI sends shivers down the spines of those opposed to progress. Their battle cry: “The end is nigh!” But let’s pause for a moment and appreciate the irony. These self-proclaimed defenders of humanity, fearing the rise of machines, conveniently forget that AI is created by humans. It’s not some extraterrestrial invasion; it’s the result of our own ingenuity. Perhaps they prefer a world without medical breakthroughs, efficient automation, or personalized recommendations. How dreadful it must be to resist the wonders of AI and cling to a dystopian narrative.

Informal communication and casual tone:

In prompts that aim to create a conversational or informal tone, idioms and sarcasm can be employed to make the language more relatable and engaging. This approach can be suitable for blog posts, social media content, or casual discussions.

Prompt: Write a 75 word blog post with an ironic twist, using idioms and sarcasm to discuss common challenges faced by “millennials in the workplace.”

AI Answer

Ah, millennials in the workplace! The world’s most entitled generation, right? We’re all just lazy “snowflakes” who can’t handle a hard day’s work. Well, let’s debunk that myth, shall we? We millennials have perfected the art of juggling multiple tasks, like spinning plates on a unicycle. We thrive on constant change, like a fish in a bicycle race. And don’t get me started on our addiction to technology! It’s not like we grew up in the digital age or anything. So, dear fellow millennials, let’s keep challenging those outdated stereotypes and show the world what we’re truly capable of.


Irony, idioms, and sarcasm is an interesting way to use prompts that entertain, amuse, or lighten the mood. Incorporating these elements engages an the audience and creates a light-hearted tone. Additionally is showcases the creative abilities of the AI, if nothing else it is a most entertaining way to spend a wet Sunday.

We have purposely limited the answers to 75 words. Please experiment with more words, characters, sub-plots.