Best Practice Tips.

Open-ended prompts ask for general insights. For example: Can you suggest some good movies released prior to September 2021.

Closed-Ended Prompts:

Explicit prompts, since they are direct and specific instructions, will often generate better results. For example: Name three influential scientists or researchers who made significant contributions to the field of quantum mechanics and briefly describe one of their notable discoveries.

Consider the conventions of your field: Different writing styles and disciplines may have specific preferences for active or passive voice. Familiarize yourself with the conventions of your field to ensure your writing aligns with the expectations and norms.

Active Voice:

In active voice sentences, the subject performs the action directly. The subject is the “doer” of the action, and the sentence structure typically follows the subject-verb-object pattern.

For example in legal documents active voice is used to clearly assign obligations and responsibilities to individuals or entities.

Passive Voice:

In passive voice sentences, the subject is acted upon, and the focus is shifted from the doer of the action to the recipient or object of the action. The sentence structure follows the object-verb-subject pattern

Irony, idioms, and sarcasm:

Irony, idioms, and sarcasm is an interesting way to use prompts that entertain, amuse, or lighten the mood.


Allusions are references to external sources, such as historical events, literary works, or cultural phenomena.


It is useful to use pre-prompts to ensure the AI is aligned with your expectations.

Ask for a sentence or 50, 100 or 200 words to begin in order to ensure the model is align with your expectations.

In an AI context prompting could be said to be a style of creative writing, it is all about polishing and iteration.