Prompt Examples – Intent

Informative intent is useful when you want a clear unambiguous response and seek factual information and aim to gather knowledge on specific topics.
Persuasive intent is useful when you are trying to steer the AI into providing a positional response.
*Transactional intent is now emerging where ChatGPT4 now has access to world wide world. In this context then the AI can perform a variety of tasks for you.

Caveat: the AI is not wholly reliable, it makes things up. A humorous example of this could be a recipe that takes 30 mins to cook the chicken. When you ask the AI for a 15 minute recipe somewhat ironically it may just chop the times.

*We are already seeing the emergence of custom AI where Transactional intent can hook up to an external system and perform a task for you. The universality of this is inevitable.

Informative intent: “Can you explain how to change a tire on a car?”
Persuasive intent: “Can you convince me that electric cars are a better choice than gas-powered cars?”
*Transactional intent: “Can you help me schedule an appointment with {my hairdresser} for next week?”

Informative intent:

  • “What are the benefits of practicing meditation?”
  • “Explain the process of photosynthesis in plants.”
  • “What are some easy-to-grow vegetables for beginners in a small backyard garden?”
  • “What are the key factors to consider when planning a small-scale vegetable garden?”
  • “Explain the basics of organic gardening and its benefits for growing vegetables at home.”
  • “I live in USDA Zone, 8 please list suitable vegetables for an outdoor garden”

This type of prompt is an area where the AI can excel. For example:

Prompt: I live in “USDA Zone 8”, please list suitable vegetables for an outdoor garden. Please provide as a 4 col table, col 1 is the vegetable, col 2 is the date of planting, col 3 is planting to harvesting in days, col 4 is a useful tip.

AI Answer

Certainly! Here’s a 4-column table listing suitable vegetables for an outdoor garden in USDA Zone 8, including the date of planting, planting to harvesting duration in days, and a useful tip:

VegetableDate of PlantingPlanting to Harvesting (Days)Useful Tip
TomatoesMarch to April60 to 85 daysProvide support such as stakes or cages for the plants to keep them upright and promote better airflow.
CucumbersApril to May50 to 70 daysConsider using trellises or vertical supports to save space and encourage healthier plant growth.
Green BeansApril to May50 to 65 daysSow seeds in succession every few weeks to enjoy a continuous harvest throughout the growing season.
Bell PeppersMarch to April60 to 85 daysEnsure the soil is well-drained and provide consistent moisture to promote healthy fruit development.
ZucchiniApril to May45 to 60 daysRegularly harvest zucchini when they are young and tender to encourage continuous production.
LettuceFebruary to March, September to October40 to 60 daysPlant lettuce in partial shade or provide shade during the hottest parts of the day to prevent wilting or bolting.
CarrotsFebruary to April, September to October70 to 80 daysEnsure loose and well-drained soil to allow the roots to grow straight and avoid stunted or forked carrots.
RadishesFebruary to April, September to October20 to 30 daysThinly sow seeds and provide consistent moisture for crisp and flavorful radishes.
SpinachFebruary to April, September to October35 to 50 daysHarvest outer leaves first to allow the inner leaves to continue growing for a prolonged harvest.
BroccoliFebruary to March, September to October60 to 90 daysProtect broccoli plants from extreme heat by providing shade or using row covers during hot periods.

Please note that these planting dates and harvesting durations are general guidelines, and it’s essential to consider local climate variations and specific variety characteristics for optimal results in your particular area.

Persuasive intent:

  • “Convince me why investing in digital marketing is essential for business growth.”
  • “Convince me why art and creativity should be prioritized in school curricula.”
  • “Convince me why AI interaction & training should be prioritized in school curricula.”
  • “Make a compelling case for increased international aid and investment in education for children in the poorest countries.”
  • “Persuade me on the value of remote work and its positive impact on productivity and work-life balance.”

Transactional intent:

  • “Book a table for two at a highly-rated Italian restaurant in my zip code.”
  • “Purchase a gift card with a $50 value for an online retailer.”
  • “Order a large pepperoni pizza for delivery to my address.”
  • “Order a bouquet of roses to be delivered to my partner on their birthday.”
  • “Reserve a table for a party of six at a popular sushi restaurant in my zip code on Friday evening at 7.30PM.”
  • “Buy a ticket for a live online cooking class taught by a renowned chef, max budget $500.”

These prompts continue to explore transactional requests where users interact with AI systems to make a wide range of purchases, bookings, reservations, or orders through live internet connections. In a relatively short time this will occur / be possible via voice. This will require the use of ChatGPT4 and/or equivalent systems connected live and using suitable plugins / other technology to conduct the transaction.

Caveat: it could be argued that the current transactional systems are alpha not beta. Alpha versions are described as being in the early stages, they are more prone to errors, bugs, and unexpected behaviors. Users should expect a higher level of instability and potential issues.