Prompt Examples

Connotation refers to the emotional or cultural associations that a word or phrase may have. For example: “Can you recommend a budget-friendly restaurant?” – The use of “budget-friendly” connotes affordability and a desire to save money. Using GPT4 and the plugins ‘Open Table’ and WebPilot.

Prompt: Where’s a highly reviewed brunch spot I can visit in Osaka, Japan?

Uses OpenTable & WebPilot

GPT4 Answer

Certainly, here is a highly reviewed brunch spot you can visit in Osaka, Japan.

One highly reviewed brunch spot in Osaka, Japan is BLT Steak Osaka. This restaurant is the third BLT Steak location in Japan and the 16th in the world. It boasts a capacity of 120 seats, a bar, a large dining room, and many private rooms. The restaurant is known for its USDA (US Department of Agriculture) certified top-rated prime grade steaks and popovers. It’s located on the first floor of “Hervis PLAZA”, in the east wing of “Hervis OSAKA” in front of JR Osaka Station. The restaurant is surrounded by European luxury brands and select shops, and is adjacent to The Ritz Carlton Osaka and high-rise office towers. It caters to both domestic and foreign customers, regardless of business or private use.

Please note that the restaurant’s policy is to only admit children who are in elementary school or older. During weekday dinner times, only junior high school students or older are admitted.

Double quotation marks (” “) or single quotation marks (‘ ‘) can generally be used interchangeably to enclose a word or phrase to indicate that it is being used in a specific sense or context. For example the quotation marks around the word ‘rhadamanthine’ indicate that it is a specific term being referenced and should be taken literally.

Prompt: “What is the definition of the word ‘rhadamanthine? Please make your answer brief and succinct.?”

AI Answer

The word “rhadamanthine” means strict, inflexible, or uncompromising in judgment or application of rules.

An example of a more complex denotative prompt could be:

Prompt: “What is the specific molecular structure of caffeine and how does it interact with the brain?”

AI Answer

The specific molecular structure of caffeine is as follows:

Caffeine: C8H10N4O2

The specific molecular structure of caffeine is C8H10N4O2. In the brain, caffeine acts as an adenosine receptor antagonist. By blocking adenosine receptors, it prevents adenosine, a neurotransmitter that promotes relaxation and drowsiness, from binding to its receptors. This blockade leads to increased neuronal activity, resulting in increased alertness and a reduction in the feeling of fatigue.

It’s important to note that the exact mechanisms of caffeine’s action in the brain are complex and not fully understood. The effects of caffeine can vary depending on individual sensitivity, dosage, and other factors. Additionally, prolonged and excessive caffeine consumption can lead to tolerance, dependence, and potential adverse effects on sleep patterns and overall health.

Prompt: please provide 3 examples of “denotative” type prompt examples for everyday questions to you

AI Answer

Certainly! Here are three examples of “denotative” type prompt examples for everyday questions:

“What is the capital city of France?”
“Can you provide the recipe for chocolate chip cookies?”
“What are the dimensions of the standard A4 paper size?”

These prompts seek straightforward and factual information, without any need for interpretation or subjective opinions.

Figurative language uses words or expressions to convey a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. It involves the use of metaphors, similes, personification, and other techniques to create vivid images or comparisons.

Prompt: “I’m feeling down in the dumps today. Can you recommend a pick-me-up drink?”

AI Answer

I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling down today. While I can’t physically provide you with a drink, I can certainly suggest some popular pick-me-up drinks that people often find refreshing or energizing. Here are a few options you might consider:

Green Tea: Green tea contains caffeine and L-theanine, which can promote alertness while also providing a calming effect.

Herbal Tea: Certain herbal teas like peppermint, chamomile, or ginger can have soothing and uplifting properties that may help improve your mood.

Matcha Latte: Matcha is a powdered form of green tea that provides a concentrated dose of antioxidants and a boost of energy. You can enjoy it as a latte by mixing it with steamed milk or a dairy-free alternative.

Fresh Fruit Smoothie: Blend together your favorite fruits, such as berries, bananas, and oranges, with some yogurt or a plant-based milk for a refreshing and nutritious pick-me-up.

Cold Brew Coffee: Cold brew coffee has a smoother and less acidic taste compared to regular coffee. It can provide a caffeine kick to help you feel more awake and alert.

Sparkling Water with Citrus: Simply adding a slice of lemon, lime, or orange to sparkling water can give it a refreshing twist and make it a more enjoyable and hydrating beverage.

Remember, these are just suggestions, and it’s important to choose a drink that suits your taste preferences and dietary considerations. Additionally, if you’re feeling down for an extended period or if you’re dealing with persistent feelings of sadness, it may be helpful to reach out to a trusted friend, family member, or professional for support.

Prompt:“I’m in hot water with my boss after missing a deadline. Any tips for saving my job?”

AI Answer

I’m sorry to hear about the difficult situation you’re facing with your boss. Here are some tips that may help you navigate this challenging situation and potentially improve your standing:

Take responsibility: Acknowledge your mistake and take ownership of the missed deadline. Admitting your error demonstrates maturity and a willingness to learn from your actions.

Apologize and explain: Apologize sincerely to your boss for missing the deadline and provide an explanation for what happened. Be honest about any unforeseen challenges or obstacles that may have contributed to the delay.

Offer a solution: Propose a plan to rectify the situation. Outline steps you will take to mitigate the impact of the missed deadline and assure your boss that you are committed to resolving the issue.

Communicate openly: Maintain open lines of communication with your boss. Keep them updated on your progress in addressing the consequences of the missed deadline. Regularly inform them of any positive steps you are taking to prevent similar situations from happening in the future.

Learn from the experience: Reflect on what led to missing the deadline and identify areas for improvement. Demonstrate your commitment to growth and professional development by actively seeking solutions and implementing strategies to enhance your productivity and time management skills.

Go the extra mile: To rebuild trust and demonstrate your dedication, be proactive in your work. Take on additional tasks, work diligently to meet new deadlines, and show that you are committed to delivering high-quality results.

Seek feedback and guidance: Request feedback from your boss on how you can improve your performance moving forward. Showing a genuine interest in self-improvement can be viewed positively and may help rebuild trust.

Be patient and persistent: Rebuilding trust takes time. Stay focused, maintain a positive attitude, and consistently demonstrate your commitment to learning from your mistakes and delivering exceptional work.

Remember, every situation is unique, and these tips may not guarantee immediate results. However, by taking responsibility, showing dedication, and learning from the experience, you can increase your chances of salvaging the situation and improving your professional standing.

Prompt:”I’ve hit a brick wall in my project and can’t seem to find a way forward. Any advice on breaking through?”

AI Answer

Feeling stuck and encountering obstacles in a project is a common challenge. Here are some strategies that may help you break through the proverbial brick wall:

Take a break: Stepping away from the project for a short while can provide a fresh perspective. Engage in activities that help you relax and clear your mind. When you return to the project, you might see it from a new angle.

Seek inspiration: Look for sources of inspiration related to your project. Read books, articles, or case studies in your field, watch videos or listen to podcasts, or engage in discussions with colleagues. Exposure to new ideas and perspectives might spark creative solutions.

Brainstorm: Set aside dedicated time to brainstorm ideas without judgment or criticism. Write down all the potential solutions, even if they seem far-fetched. The goal is to generate a wide range of ideas that can be refined later.

Collaborate: Reach out to colleagues, mentors, or experts in your field for advice or a fresh pair of eyes. Discussing your challenges with others may bring new insights or alternative approaches.

Break it down: If the project seems overwhelming, break it into smaller, more manageable tasks. Focusing on one piece at a time can make it easier to find solutions and progress gradually.

Change your environment: Sometimes a change of scenery can stimulate creativity and fresh thinking. Consider working from a different location, rearranging your workspace, or utilizing visual aids or mind maps to visualize the project from a different perspective.

Embrace experimentation: Don’t be afraid to try new approaches or take calculated risks. Sometimes breaking through requires stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring unconventional solutions.

Seek feedback: Share your work-in-progress with others and request constructive feedback. Different viewpoints can help identify areas for improvement or suggest alternative directions.

Reflect and learn: Take time to reflect on your project, the challenges you’ve faced, and the lessons learned. Analyze what worked and what didn’t, and use those insights to adjust your approach.

Persistence and resilience: Remember that breakthroughs often come after multiple attempts. Stay persistent, remain optimistic, and believe in your ability to find a solution. Don’t let temporary setbacks discourage you from reaching your goal.

By applying these strategies, you can increase your chances of finding a way forward and breaking through the obstacles in your project. Remember, each project is unique, so adapt these tips to suit your specific situation and needs.

Register refers to the level of formality or informality of the language used. It can include factors such as word choice, tone, and sentence structure, and can range from very formal to very informal, depending on the context.

Informal register Prompt: “Hey ChatGPT, can you hook me up with some cool vacation ideas? I’m feeling stuck in a rut here.”

AI Answer

Of course! I’d be happy to suggest some cool vacation ideas to help you break free from your routine. Here are a few options to consider:

Adventure in Costa Rica: Explore the lush rainforests, go zip-lining through the canopy, try white-water rafting, or relax on beautiful beaches. Costa Rica offers a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation.

Cultural immersion in Japan: Immerse yourself in Japan’s rich culture, visit ancient temples and shrines, experience traditional tea ceremonies, explore bustling cities like Tokyo and Kyoto, and indulge in delicious Japanese cuisine.

Island hopping in Greece: Discover the breathtaking beauty of the Greek islands. Visit Santorini for its stunning sunsets, Mykonos for vibrant nightlife, and Crete for a mix of beaches, historical sites, and picturesque landscapes.

Safari in Tanzania: Embark on a thrilling wildlife adventure in Tanzania. Witness the Great Migration in Serengeti National Park, explore the stunning Ngorongoro Crater, and relax on the pristine beaches of Zanzibar.

Cultural heritage in Egypt: Explore the wonders of ancient Egypt by visiting iconic sites like the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, Luxor’s temples, and cruising the Nile River. Immerse yourself in the country’s rich history and vibrant culture.

Road trip through the American Southwest: Take a road trip through the stunning landscapes of the American Southwest. Visit national parks like Grand Canyon, Zion, and Bryce Canyon, and explore vibrant cities like Las Vegas and Santa Fe.

Relaxation in the Maldives: Indulge in a luxurious beach getaway in the Maldives. Enjoy crystal-clear waters, pristine white sand beaches, and stay in overwater villas for an idyllic and tranquil vacation.

Cultural exploration in Morocco: Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of Morocco. Explore the bustling markets of Marrakech, visit the historic city of Fez, experience the Sahara Desert, and indulge in the unique cuisine and hospitality.

Remember to consider factors such as budget, travel restrictions, and personal preferences when planning your vacation. It’s also advisable to check travel advisories and consult with travel agents or online resources for the latest information and guidance.

Commas separate clauses into ‘snippets of queries’ to the AI, for example:

Prompt: Can you provide a 100 word overview of the history of France, including major events such as the Revolution, the role of Napoleon.

AI Answer

France has a rich and eventful history. The French Revolution, which began in 1789, marked a turning point. It aimed to overthrow the monarchy, establish a republic, and champion ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity. The revolution led to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, who became Emperor in 1804. Napoleon implemented significant reforms, including the Napoleonic Code, and expanded French influence through military conquests across Europe. However, his empire ultimately collapsed, and France underwent political turmoil. In the 19th and 20th centuries, France experienced periods of industrialization, colonial expansion, two World Wars, and a move towards European integration, shaping the country’s modern identity.

Periods should be used to indicate the end of a sentence to the AI.
Semicolons can be used to separate two independent clauses that are closely related or to separate items in a list that already contain commas.

Prompt: “Compare and contrast the features and benefits of two different types of Beaujolais wines; make sure to analyze their primary features, availability, and pricing models.”

AI Answer

Certainly! Let’s compare and contrast two different types of Beaujolais wines based on their primary features, availability, and pricing models:

Beaujolais Nouveau:

Primary Features: Beaujolais Nouveau is a young and vibrant red wine made from Gamay grapes. It is known for its light to medium body, bright fruit flavors, and minimal tannins. It undergoes a short fermentation process, which contributes to its fresh and fruity character.

Availability: Beaujolais Nouveau is released on the third Thursday of November each year, marking its annual arrival. It is meant to be consumed young, shortly after bottling, to capture its lively and exuberant qualities. It is widely available in wine shops and supermarkets around the world during its release period.

Pricing: Beaujolais Nouveau is generally priced as an affordable wine, often positioned as an entry-level option within the Beaujolais category. Its pricing is relatively accessible and represents good value for its quality.

Beaujolais Cru:

Primary Features: Beaujolais Cru refers to the ten designated villages in the Beaujolais region known for producing high-quality wines. These villages include names like Morgon, Fleurie, and Moulin-à-Vent. Beaujolais Cru wines are more complex, age-worthy, and terroir-driven compared to Beaujolais Nouveau. They exhibit a range of flavors from floral and fruity to earthy and structured, with moderate tannins.

Availability: Beaujolais Cru wines are available year-round, although specific vintages and producers might have limited availability depending on the market. They are typically found in wine specialty stores, fine restaurants, and online retailers that offer a diverse selection of wines.

Pricing: Beaujolais Cru wines are positioned at a higher price point compared to Beaujolais Nouveau. The pricing varies based on the specific Cru and producer, with some offering excellent value for their quality and aging potential.


Beaujolais Nouveau is a young, fruity, and accessible wine, released annually and widely available during its specific period, whereas Beaujolais Cru wines are more complex, terroir-driven, and available year-round.
Beaujolais Nouveau is generally priced as an affordable wine, while Beaujolais Cru wines are positioned at a higher price point, reflecting their quality and aging potential.


Beaujolais Nouveau is a young and fresh wine meant for immediate consumption, whereas Beaujolais Cru wines are known for their aging potential and ability to develop more complexity over time.
Beaujolais Nouveau is widely available during its release period, while the availability of specific Beaujolais Cru wines might be more limited depending on the market.
Ultimately, the choice between Beaujolais Nouveau and Beaujolais Cru depends on preferences for a youthful and fruity wine (Beaujolais Nouveau) or a more complex and age-worthy wine (Beaujolais Cru), as well as considerations of availability and pricing.


Going beyond AI answers often delivers unknown facts or further elaboration.

Prompt: are there different types of Beaujolais wines we have not discussed?.

AI Answer

Yes, apart from Beaujolais Nouveau and Beaujolais Cru, there are two other categories of Beaujolais wines:

Beaujolais-Villages: Beaujolais-Villages wines are produced in the northern part of the region and come from a broader set of villages beyond the designated ten Crus. These wines tend to exhibit characteristics somewhere between Beaujolais Nouveau and Beaujolais Cru in terms of complexity, fruitiness, and aging potential.

Beaujolais AC (Appellation Contrôlée): This category represents the entry-level wines of the Beaujolais region. They are made from grapes grown throughout the entire Beaujolais area, including areas outside the Cru and Villages designations. Beaujolais AC wines are typically lighter and fruitier compared to Cru wines, with a focus on easy-drinking and immediate enjoyment.

These additional categories provide a wider range of options within the Beaujolais wine region, catering to various preferences and price points.