What Is Prompt Engineering. 2024

Prompt engineering is a rapidly growing field in the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). In simple terms, prompt engineering involves designing and creating prompts for language models, which are powerful tools that can generate natural language text.

TL;DR (Too Long; Didn’t Read) is a common internet acronym used to provide a concise summary or brief explanation of a longer piece of text. Where possible / feasible we provide a TL;DR throughout.


Prompt engineering refers to the process of strategically crafting and modifying prompts to improve the performance and behavior of Large Language Models (LLMs). It involves techniques such as specifying the format of the desired answer, adding instructions or hints, or using system messages to guide the model’s behavior. Prompt engineering can help address challenges such as bias mitigation, controlling output style, or increasing response relevance. By carefully designing prompts, researchers and practitioners aim to shape the behavior of LLMs to align with specific requirements and achieve more desirable and reliable outputs.

Language models are capable of generating human-like text based on a given prompt or input. For example, you could give a language model a prompt like “write a short story about a whale who goes on an adventure,” and it would generate a unique and coherent story based on that prompt. Each of our Courses has a detailed Prompt Example however to begin here is a 50 word story as an example.

The Future Diary

Prompt: Future Diary: Imagine you find a diary from 50 years in the future. Write a 50 word entry from it.

ChatGPT 4o: May 19, 2074: Today, I met my first AI friend in person. They feel so real, it’s hard to believe they’re artificial. The climate stabilizers finally showed progress; the sky was clear for the first time in decades. Hope blooms as we rebuild, one step at a time.

Prompt: Future Diary: Imagine you find a diary from 50 years in the future. Write a 100 word entry from a space travel perspective.

ChatGPT 4o: July 15, 2074: Today, I woke to the breathtaking view of Europa’s icy surface from the observation deck. Our crew landed smoothly, and the new fusion engines performed beyond expectations. We began our research on the subsurface ocean, hoping to find signs of life. It’s surreal walking on another world, knowing Earth is millions of miles away. The zero-gravity gardens are flourishing, providing fresh food and a touch of home. Communication with Mars Colony remains steady, and they’re eager for our findings. Space travel has become our new normal, and every day brings a sense of awe and discovery.

Prompt engineering involves creating the prompts that guide the language model’s output. The prompts can take many different forms, from simple questions or prompts that elicit a short response, to more complex prompts that guide the language model to generate longer, more detailed pieces of text.

The goal of prompt engineering is to create prompts that produce high-quality, relevant, and engaging text that meets a specific goal or objective. This might include prompts that generate:

  • product descriptions,
  • marketing copy,
  • chatbot responses,
  • blog posts
  • or entire news articles or stories.

The process of prompt engineering typically involves several steps. First, the prompt engineering specialist must identify the objective of the prompt, as well as the audience or users who will be interacting with the output. They must then design a prompt that is tailored to meet those objectives and user needs.

  • Basic Interaction Flow:
  • User Provides Prompt: The user inputs a specific prompt into the AI model.
  • Model Processes Prompt: The AI model analyzes the prompt and retrieves relevant information from its training data.
  • Model Generates Response: The AI model creates a response that fits the context and requirements of the prompt.
  • User Receives Response: The user receives the AI-generated output, which can be further refined or used as needed.

In conclusion, prompt engineering is an exciting and rapidly evolving field that is poised to play a key role in the future of AI and ML. By designing and refining prompts for language models, prompt engineers can help unlock the full potential of these powerful tools, enabling new applications and use cases that were previously unimaginable.